5 research outputs found


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    The study of stability of lipid-magnetite suspensions (LMS) was carried out using photometry and electronic microscopy. All suspensions are rather stable in time. The best results in stability were demonstrated by suspensions with ratio Fe3O4: SAS=0,02:0,35 g or 0,04 mass % : 0,70 mass % and 0,025: 0,35 g or 0,05 mass % : 0,70 mass %. The sizes of magnetite particles from SAS were determined as– <d>~76 nm. It was established, that with time (0–48,0 hours) and growth of wave length (210 – 1000 nm) is observed the gradual increase of transmission coefficient from 25 % (210 nm) to 71,9 % (1000 nm) at 0 hours of suspension ageing; from 27,5 % (210 nm) to 81,2 % (1000 nm) at maximal time of suspension ageing (48 hours). There parameters of LMS were determined: concentration of particles – N=1,43 ∙ 1012 cm-3, in 48 hours concentration decreased by 20 % (N=1,19∙1012 cm-3); r=38 nm, n=1,48, κ=0,01. The function of particles distribution by sizes is rather narrow and symmetric that certifies the system of synthesized nanoparticles as homogenous with low degree of polydispersity. Ultraviolet spectrums of LMS and their components were fixed and analyzed. Comparison of transmission spectrums of suspensions with different degree of dilution testifies to the chemical identity of samples. There were studied kinetic dependencies of transmission coefficient for suspensions with different magnetite concentration (Fegen), on which base was calculated the effective radius of particles of stabilized magnetite: 76–168 nm. The mean radius of particles in lipid suspension of magnetite without stabilizer (reff)=400 nm. Visually LMS manifested the high aggregative stability with high sedimentation time 48 hours. It was established, that LMS can be used as biologically active and feed additives with complex effect: manifest antioxidant activity, are the source of easily assimilated iron, improve quality and increase storage terms of fat-containing products. Thus, introduction of LMS in foodstuff improves its quality, nutritive and biological value.&nbsp

    Дослідження седиментаційної стійкості ліпідо-магнетитових суспензій методом спектрофотометрії

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    A spectrophotometric method of the assessment of stability and determining of the morphological characteristics of lipid-magnetite suspensions (LMS) was studied. The sizes of the particles of magnetite with a surface-active substance (SAS) were defined. The diameter of the particles is 78 nm. The concentration of the particles of magnetite stabilized by a surface–active substance was determined – the concentration (number in 1 cm3) equals N=1.33 ∙ 1012 cm-3 when obtaining a suspension. A slight decrease in the number of particles of magnetite with SAS in 1 cm3 of suspension was observed over time: during 48 hours, the concentration in 1 cm3 decreased from 1.33 ∙1012 down to 1.13 ∙1012 cm-3. The concentration decreases by approximately 2.25 % per 1 hour. Different LMS were obtained. The optimum ratios of the components were selected in the suspensions: magnetite, stabilizer and dispersion medium.It was established that LMS can be used as biological–active additives, which possess comprehensive action: lipid-magnetite suspensions (LMS) on the basis of magnetite during oral introduction into human organism render beneficial biological effect with the period of action within the range of 3–4 hours: when entering LMS into human organism, the iron concentration in blood rises, which brings about:– a short-term decrease in intracranial CSF pressure;– activation of gastric and duodenum performance;– increase in urination.Due to bivalent iron and its ability to form transition complexes with oxygen and peroxide radicals (and hydro peroxides), magnetite also manifests antioxidant activity, which makes it possible to recommend it as an antioxidant, which facilitates improvement of the quality and prolongation of the period of storage of fat– containing products.  Furthermore, LMS contain magnetite (which means digestible Fe2+); therefore they can be recommended as anti-anemic agent due to easily digestible bivalent iron. Thus, introduction of LMS into food products increases their quality, nutritional and biological value.Therefore the studies of LMS are actual and they represent significant theoretical and practical interest.Приведена методика спектрофотометрического исследования седиментационной устойчивости липидо-магнетитовых суспензий (ЛМС). С помощью измерения коэффициента пропускания проведен анализ процесса седиментации наночастиц в суспензиях. Получены спектры коэффициента пропускания для ЛМС. Определены размеры частиц магнетита, стабилизированных поверхностно-активным веществом (ПАВ) - моноацилглицеролом, а также концентрация ЛМС.Наведено методика спектрофотометричного дослідження седиментаційної стійкості ліпідо – магнетитових суспензій (ЛМС). За допомогою вимірювання коефіцієнта пропускання проведено аналіз процесу седиментації наночастинок в суспензіях. Отримано спектри коефіцієнта пропускання для ЛМС. Визначено розміри частинок магнетиту, стабілізованих поверхнево – активною речовиною (ПАР) – моноацилгліцеролом, а також концентрація ЛМС

    Дослідження наночастинок магнетиту ліпідо –магнетитових суспензій методами фотометрії і електронної мікроскопії

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    With the aid of the methods of photometry and electronic microscopy, we studied the sedimentation and aggregative stability of the lipid­magnetite suspensions (LMS). Different LMS were obtained. All suspensions are sufficiently stable over time. The best results in stability were displayed by suspensions, in which the ratio Fe3O4:SAS=0,02:0,35 g or 0,04 mass %:0,70 mass % and 0,025:0,35 g or 0,05 mass %:0,70 mass %. We determined size of the particles of magnetite with SAS. The order of mean particle size is defined – it amounts to <d>~76 nm.It was found that in the course of time (0–48,0 h) and with an increase in the wavelength (210–1000 nm), a gradual increase in the coefficient of transmission is observed from 25 % (210 nm) to 71,9 % (1000 nm) at 0 hours of exposure of the suspension: from 27,5 % (210 nm) to 81,2 % (1000 nm) at the maximum period of exposure of the suspension (48 hours).The indices of LMS are determined: concentration of the particles – N=1,43 1012 сm­3, in 48 hours the concentration decreased by 20 % (N=1,19·1012 сm­3); r=38 nm, n=1,48, k=0,01. The distribution function of the particles by size is rather narrow and symmetrical, which indicates that the system of the synthesized nanoparticles is homogenous with a low degree of polydispersity.The UV spectra of LMS and their components were taken and analyzed. The comparison of the spectra of transmission of suspensions with different degree of dilution testifies to chemical identity of the samples.The kinetic dependences of the coefficient of transmission for the suspensions with different concentration of magnetite (Fe(ov.).), were examined, based on which we calculated the effective mean radius of the particles of the stabilized magnetite: 76–168 nm. The mean radius of the particles in the lipid suspension of magnetite without stabilizer (reff)=400 nm. Visually, LMS manifested high aggregation stability at the total time of sedimentation reaching several tens of hours.It was established that LMS can be used as the biologically­active and food supplements, which possess the comprehensive action: beneficial biological effect on the human organism; due to the presence of bivalent iron in magnetite and capacity to form transition complexes with oxygen and peroxide radicals (and hydroperoxides), they manifest antioxidant activity, which leads to improvement in the quality and lengthening of the period of storage of the products that contain fat. Furthermore, LMS due to Fe2+ of magnetite can be recommended as the source of easily assimilated iron and as the anti­anemic means. Therefore, the introduction of LMS to the food products increases its quality, nutritional and biological value.Методами фотометрии и электронной микроскопии определены функции распределения частиц магнетита, стабилизированных поверхностно – активным веществом, по размерам, и их комплексный показатель преломления. С помощью измерения коэффициента пропускания выполнен анализ процесса седиментации наночастиц в липидо – магнетитовых суспензиях различного состава и концентрации. По временным зависимостям коэффициента пропускания рассчитан эффективный средний радиус наночастиц. Эти частицы синтезированы как компонент биологически – активных и пищевых добавокМетодами фотометрії та електронної мікроскопії визначені функції розподілу частинок магнетиту, стабілізованих поверхнево – активною речовиною, за розмірами, і їх комплексний показник заломлення. За допомогою вимірювання коефіцієнта пропускання виконаний аналіз процесу седиментації наночастинок в ліпідо – магнетитових суспензіях різного складу і концентрації. За тимчасовим залежностям коефіцієнта пропускання розрахований ефективний середній радіус наночастинок. Ці частинки синтезовані як компонент біологічно – активних та харчових добаво

    The Study of Nanoparticles of Magnitite of the Lipid-magnetite Suspensions by Methods of Photometry and Electronic Microscopy

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    With the aid of the methods of photometry and electronic microscopy, we studied the sedimentation and aggregative stability of the lipid­magnetite suspensions (LMS). Different LMS were obtained. All suspensions are sufficiently stable over time. The best results in stability were displayed by suspensions, in which the ratio Fe3O4:SAS=0,02:0,35 g or 0,04 mass %:0,70 mass % and 0,025:0,35 g or 0,05 mass %:0,70 mass %. We determined size of the particles of magnetite with SAS. The order of mean particle size is defined – it amounts to <d>~76 nm.It was found that in the course of time (0–48,0 h) and with an increase in the wavelength (210–1000 nm), a gradual increase in the coefficient of transmission is observed from 25 % (210 nm) to 71,9 % (1000 nm) at 0 hours of exposure of the suspension: from 27,5 % (210 nm) to 81,2 % (1000 nm) at the maximum period of exposure of the suspension (48 hours).The indices of LMS are determined: concentration of the particles – N=1,43 1012 сm­3, in 48 hours the concentration decreased by 20 % (N=1,19·1012 сm­3); r=38 nm, n=1,48, k=0,01. The distribution function of the particles by size is rather narrow and symmetrical, which indicates that the system of the synthesized nanoparticles is homogenous with a low degree of polydispersity.The UV spectra of LMS and their components were taken and analyzed. The comparison of the spectra of transmission of suspensions with different degree of dilution testifies to chemical identity of the samples.The kinetic dependences of the coefficient of transmission for the suspensions with different concentration of magnetite (Fe(ov.).), were examined, based on which we calculated the effective mean radius of the particles of the stabilized magnetite: 76–168 nm. The mean radius of the particles in the lipid suspension of magnetite without stabilizer (reff)=400 nm. Visually, LMS manifested high aggregation stability at the total time of sedimentation reaching several tens of hours.It was established that LMS can be used as the biologically­active and food supplements, which possess the comprehensive action: beneficial biological effect on the human organism; due to the presence of bivalent iron in magnetite and capacity to form transition complexes with oxygen and peroxide radicals (and hydroperoxides), they manifest antioxidant activity, which leads to improvement in the quality and lengthening of the period of storage of the products that contain fat. Furthermore, LMS due to Fe2+ of magnetite can be recommended as the source of easily assimilated iron and as the anti­anemic means. Therefore, the introduction of LMS to the food products increases its quality, nutritional and biological value